Women Who Try Growth Factor Get Surprising Results

HGH Factor testers reported more energy and mental focus, sounder sleep, and an overall feeling of wellness and youthfulness. Some noticed a decrease in the number of wrinkles on their faces, and overall smoother, tighter skin (perhaps due to shed body fat?). 90% of our testers said they intended to continue using HGH Factor after the end of the trial. HGH Factor was the best formula we tested and we give it a MUST BUY rating.

The Growth Factor was the second most effective formulation we tested and also received a Must Buy rating. Whether you're a professional athlete looking to improve your workouts or just somebody looking to turn back the clock on Mother Nature, Growth Factor can give you the results you're looking for! The manufacturers of Growth Factor have free packages available with select offers.

The Utropin HGH formula proved to be effective. Our testers reported increases in energy and mental acuteness, sounder sleep, and a general feeling of well-being. Utropin HGH was the third most effective formulation we tested and therefore received a tentative buy rating - we recommend (with some reservations) this product if you cannot locate the top-rated product.

With Genf20 HGH, our testers reported a slight increase in energy and mental acuteness. When asked if they felt younger, generally testers said no, but said instead they felt better. Testers also reported sounder sleep. We gave Genf20 HGH a tentative buy rating based on its limited effectiveness.

The Sytropin HGH formula seemed to have absolutely no effect whatsoever on our testers. We're not certain as to the cause - Sytropin HGH has a similar formula to the other HGH sprays we tested. Perhaps the delivery system is flawed. Based on this information, Sytropin received a do not buy recommendation.

Like Sytropin, the Liddell Laboratories Vital HGH formula seemed to have absolutely no effect on most of our testers but about 20% reported mild increases in energy, mental acuteness, and well-being. We aren't certain whether this is due to the Liddell Vital HGH formulation working for some people but not for others, or problems with quality control at the manufacturing level, or perhaps a placebo effect. At any rate, Liddell Vital HGH received a do not buy recommendation.

Rated: 95 out of 100
by Product-Critic.com

In reality, it doesn't matter if you were born male or female when it comes to health and fitness. There are certain universal desires, regardless of gender, that both men and women can (and should be trying to) achieve. Whether you want to increase your metabolic rate to burn away excess fat and increase your energy levels, or gain more muscle mass and strength, elevating your body's levels of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is the best way to get that goal accomplished.

Many people believe that because HGH precursors like Growth Factor are designed to boost testosterone levels, that it means women can't - or shouldn't - use it. But we're here to shed some light on the science behind HGH, how the body utilizes it, and why everyone - whether young, old, male, or female - should be trying their best to maximize their HGH for optimal health and fitness.

HGH is Gender-Neutral

Here's a fun scientific fact that not many people know: both men AND women produce estrogen AND testosterone. Being female is not the absence of testosterone, nor is being male the absence of estrogen. The human body requires both of these hormones in order to live and be healthy. The only difference is that female bodies produce more estrogen, whereas male bodies produce more testosterone. It's that simple.

But when your testosterone and estrogen levels are in flux, your HGH levels will also be irregular. And this can lead to a wide range of health problems. In children, it can lead to stunted growth, thyroid problems, and childhood obesity. In adults, it can produce lethargy, excess belly fat, difficulty building muscle, and sleep disturbances. And the more you do to regulate your HGH levels, the less often you will experience these unfortunate symptoms - and the healthier you will be.

From General Health to Ultimate Fitness: HGH is a Girl's Best Friend

Females turning to HGH supplements to improve their overall health and fitness levels isn't some new fad that suddenly hit the internet by storm. Women everywhere, from teachers to professional housewives to serious female athletes are turning to HGH-enhancing supplements.

HGH for Women: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Won't a HGH supplement raise my testosterone levels too high? And make me look "manish"?

A: Not if you pick a safe, natural supplement (like our favorite, Growth Factor). The botanical extracts, amino acids, and nutrients will not artificially raise your hormone levels beyond what your body is capable of. They only enhance your body's natural ability to produce optimal HGH levels.

Q: But most of these HGH supplements are clearly aimed at men. Is there a woman-friendly HGH supplement?

A: Despite the packaging, all high-quality, natural HGH supplements are female-friendly. Don't let the marketing fool you!

Q: Are HGH supplements a natural, cheap alternative to hormone replacement therapy?

A: No. As with any supplement, make sure and consult your physician before incorporating it into your nutritional profile. HGH supplements are designed to help your body function optimally; they are not designed to treat or cure a serious hormonal imbalance. Any such serious conditions should be carefully treated and monitored by a professional doctor.

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor N/A

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Brand Price      
HGH Factor Free Trial




must buy
Growth Factor Free Trial




must buy
Utropin $59.95




tentative buy
GenF20 $59.95




tentative buy
Sytropin $59.95




do not buy
Liddell Vital HGH $69.00




do not buy