Xomax is marketed as a "doctor approved" penis enlargement product. It is said to increase the size of your penis, give you more powerful and longer lasting orgasms, increase your sexual stamina, give you rock hard erections and enhance your recovery time. The product is guaranteed and has all natural ingredients.
Our testers were satisfied with the products ability to give them harder erections, and most of them commented on how much better it felt when they reached orgasm.
According to the makers of Xomax, the customer satisfaction ranking is the highest in the industry, with a 97.7% "thumbs up" from the men who have tried this penis enlargement pill. Our testers were not convinced that Xomax is the best product on the market. Although they did enjoy the results of the product, many were still more impressed with Endowmax, because this natural male enhancement product actually made their penis grow, by as much as two inches. Xomax failed to produce those results.
The Xomax penis enlargement formula contains seven ingredients:
While some of these ingredients do have male enhancement value, it's worth noting that there are some key ingredients missing from the Xomax formula. Muira puama, epimedium and L-Arginine HCL have been found to be especially effective for penis enlargement.
As stated earlier, Xomax is somewhat effective in increasing sexual activity and some of our testers did enjoy harder erections, but it is not an overall winner. Endowmax, which is not as sensationalized in the male enhancement industry, still proves to be the better product, because of its ability to grow the penis and also improve sexual performance and stamina.