The major difference when comparing Viswiss to prescription male enhancement products is that you can take it with alcohol. The producers say that it will work in less than fifteen or twenty minutes and can last up to four days. It will increase the size of your penis, give you more stamina, enhance your orgasms and stop premature ejaculation.
Viswiss is a Swiss-made natural male enhancement product that is 100% natural and the official website maintains that it is lab-tested and research proven. The makers are also more honest about the results of this product by not asserting that it will make your penis grow up to five inches.
The producers of Viswiss certainly try to capitalize on the fact that you can take these pills while you are consuming alcohol and they are marketing it to an older generation of men. Many of the testimonials are from men in their forties. They recommend that you take two capsules with water or with alcohol if you are drinking it at the time or you can take one capsule daily with a meal.
A three month supply of Viswiss is approximately $159.95 or you can try out one bottle for $59.95.
As stated earlier there are quite a few testimonials by men in the 40's age range. They are all pleasantly pleased with the results they have gotten - most men like the fact that they can have sex for a longer period of time and that they have the option of waiting to have sex with their partner if necessary.
They claim that Viswiss does enhance their desire to have sex and increases their sexual performance. It is also safe for men with diabetes and there is a doctor's testimonial on the website declaring that his patients have used the product and have not had any side effects.
The eleven natural ingredients in Viswiss include: L-Arginine, Muira Puama, Yohimbe, Korean Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, and Avena Sativa among others.
See which product is our choice for Best Penis Enlargement!