Libidus is one of the many instant male enhancement products that became popular in 2005-2006. Instead of the traditional claims made by natural male enhancement products or penis enlargement pills, Libidus was intended to be a fast-acting male sexual performance enhancer.
The Libidus type of instant male enhancement product allegedly offered all the benefits of a traditional penis enlargement pill, but worked much faster (albeit temporarily). Many men found that an instant erection enhancer fit into their lifestyles better than a twice-a-day supplement, even though the twice-per-day penis enlargement pill offered permanent results.
Many men who used Libidus agreed that it worked well for them. Also, many men reported severe headaches associated with the use of Libidus. Other disturbing side effects, including in some cases loss of consciousness and distorted vision, were reported.
In 2006, the Food and Drug Administration tested Libidus and several other brands of male enhancement pills and found illegal levels of pharmaceutical compounds. The manufacturers of Libidus and several other products were heavily fined and forced to remove their products from the marketplace. Several different products were involved in this seizure.
Today, Libidus is still manufactured and offered for sale online. The product no longer contains illegal pharmaceutical ingredients, but is a blend of herbs similar to other penis enlargement products.
Read more details of our study below.
Libidus is packaged in small quantities of ten capsules per pack. This means that each pack of Libidus contains a mere 5 doses.
The manufacturers of Libidus recommend that two capsules be taken 45 minutes before sex. This is similar to the directions for erectile dysfunction medications.
Unfortunately, Libidus does not contain cnidium monnier, a potent testosterone enhancer, or Xanthoparmelia scarbrosa, another proven male enhancer. Libidus does contain Tongkat Ali, which has been used for centuries as a male libido enhancer (see complete Libidus ingredients list below).
When testing Libidus, we told our testers to follow the directions on the package. Some of our testers preferred the "on-demand" system of use to the once-per-day regimen of the traditional supplement. However, the results Libidus offered were unimpressive.
Libidus stimulated a boost in sexual appetite and arousal among our testers. Men were interested in having sex. The downside of this was, most men experienced this libido boost well after the 45-minute timeframe recommended by the makers of Libidus. Libidus did not noticeably affect the sexual performance of our testers.
Overall, we do not feel comfortable recommending Libidus unconditionally. There are better products available that boost a man's sexual performance as well as sexual appetite. The primary saving grace of Libidus is the "on-demand" use of the pills. The convenience of taking the capsules only when one needs them is not insignificant.
Libidus earned a tentative buy recommendation with the caveat that it is quite expensive considering that each pack contains only five doses.
The complete Libidus formula is listed below.
Tongkat ali, flos cathami, rhizoma cucurmae longae, ginkgo biloba, Epimedium, cistanches, astragalus.
It is interesting to note that each dose of Libidus offers about the same amount of active ingredients as a dose of any other penis enlargement pill -- however, the packaging and recommended use of Libidus is completely different.
Before purchasing Libidus, we highly recommend reviewing the following warnings and advisories. Please note that this FDA warning is no longer applicable as the manufacturer of Libidus claims to have removed the illegal pharmaceutical ingredients. However, we question the wisdom of supporting a company that willfully endangered the lives of its customers.