Arize "For a Rise That's Hard to Forget" is 100% all natural male enhancement and the producers state that it will boost your libido and increase blood flow to the penis area. They don't make many outrageous statements like other male enhancement companies but they also don't provide you with a whole lot of information on what this product will do.
Yes, they state that you will have harder erections in 20 minutes or less but they don't say whether or not it will increase your stamina or enhance your orgasms. The do claim that once you take Arize the ingredients can stay active in your system for up to four days.
Unfortunately the producers of Arize don't give you an abundant amount of information on their website. They say that the product has been through some tests but they don't highlight that, they simply want you to know that it is safe for consumption. There is a comic picture of a person who is supposed to be a doctor but that does not provide you with any further information.
Each box of Arize comes with 10 capsules and they cost $39.95 per box.
The reviews on this product are consistent with almost every other review that you may find on male enhancement supplements. They are positive but the producers of Arize would not place any negative comments on their website. They do state that 15% of users did experience some side effects, mostly facial flushing and warmness in the body.
The ingredients are on the home page so you certainly don't have to look for them. They consist of Tongkat Ali, Tribulus Terrestris, Epimedium, Herba Cistanches and Saw Palmetto to name a few.
There are a variety of active ingredients missing from this formula including cnidium monnier and L-arginine to name a few. With that being said, and with the lack of information on the website, it's hard to judge the efficacy of Arize. We give this product a tentative buy recommendation.
See which product is our choice for Best Penis Enlargement!